Monochromatic color may be a bold fashion statement, but sometimes, contrast is cooler — like when it comes to brows and hair. Juxtaposed the two creates texture and frames your face. After all, who says matchy-matchy should be the rule?
The blond-hair-dark-eyebrows look “has become more and more in demand now, because brows have become such a statement accessory to the face," says eyebrow master Kristie Streicher of Striiike in L.A. "It’s all about brows, and wearing them as bold in color and as full as possible.”
Why mismatch, you ask? “When you match your brows to your hair color, the look is very natural and quite soft,” says Streicher. Contrasting is a confidence-boosting alternative: Whether it's slight or drastic is up to you. “Wearing your brows much darker with platinum hair, for example, is a look that is meant to be deliberate and edgy — not natural,” says Streicher, who created Michelle Williams' look here.
Bumble and Bumble colorist extraordinaire Mai says it “creates a bold look to make your eyes pop. Eyebrows are the frames for your eyes, and people are drawn immediately to this place as a point of reference. When you match your brows to your hair, it’s possible to end up with a washed-out look.”
To try it for yourself, take it slow. Experiment with a color slightly darker than your hair shade, and build from there. Mai advises against extremes “like jet-black eyebrows with white hair.” She says “many factors determine what contrast is best for a person — skin tone, eye color, and eyebrow shape, to name a few. It is about the total look.”
To be clear, this look's not limited to blondes. To find the right contrast for you, Streicher suggests “experimenting with a darker brow pencil and/or a tinted brow gel." Her favorites are the Troy Surratt pencil in Brunette and the Blinc Tinted Eyebrow Mousse in Dark Brunette. "Always wipe the excess product off the brush before using,” she says.