As you know, food is fuel. Eating a balanced diet can help you feel healthier and more energized. One of the best benefits of eating well, however, is the effect it can have on your state of mind.
It's not like a magical "brain food" exists that will instantly cure your need to check Facebook every five minutes, but certain foods can definitely help you feel more clear-headed and focused.
"Usually, nutrition doesn’t immediately change the way our brains work," explains Jessica Crandall, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. However, she says that there are certain foods that might be particularly poised to help your brain.
"Carbohydrates are a good fuel source for our brains," she says. "So if we’re looking to make sure we’re getting enough energy, that could be a really helpful way for our brains to be fueled correctly. Sometimes, when people go on extreme diets and they go on a low-carb diet, that can really impact their brain function. You have to make sure you’re getting the right kind of fuel."
In addition to food, Crandall also stresses the importance of a balanced lifestyle — one in which you also get the appropriate amounts of sleep and exercise. But if you're looking for ways to incorporate more brain-friendly foods into your diet, we've got you covered.
Ahead, a handful of foods to think about.
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