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This New Brand Is A Lingerie-Swim-Activewear Hybrid, & We Want Everything

embed-3-livelyPhoto: Courtesy of Lively.

Could “leisureé” — a lingerie-swim-activerwear mash-up — be the next frontier for the underthings industry? Lively, a brand started by a Victoria’s Secret alum that launches today, seems to think so.

Billed as a “work-to-workout” collection, its pieces are meant to be comfortable enough to segue from a day sitting at your desk to a night out on the town (or on the couch), as well as for low-impact exercise. In other words: Lively pieces will make the cut for your yoga class, but wouldn't necessarily work for a run.

“From active we have pulled in wide, sporty elastic bands and breathable mesh; from swim we are pulling in cool-handed fabrics, bold prints and colorblocking; and from lingerie, we draw in the best components of function and femininity,” Michelle Cordeiro Grant, Lively’s founder and CEO, told Refinery29. Those functionality based lingerie elements include memory foam pads, front adjusters, J-hook backs, and “gorgeous, geometric laces,” she says.

The brand is launching solely on its own site, WearLively.com, with 12 styles, included a few iterations of the bralette, as well a wireless deep-V, and a “perfect T-shirt bra” style, plus matching bottoms, available in either bikini or thong versions. The sizing runs from XS to L for bralettes and undies, with traditional bras available in size 30A through size 38DD.

Pricing is moderate and straightforward: All bras cost $35 a pop and underwear styles are $10 per pair. And just like the lingerie-buying experience at, say, VS, Gap, or a department store, you'll save when buying in bulk: any two bras cost $55, three bras will run you $75, while three pairs of undies is $25. Shipping is free for purchases over $40, and free returns (on bras, not undies, for sanitary reasons) are conducive to at-home try-ons of multiple sizes.

new-embed-livelyPhoto: Courtesy of Lively.

"Bras have 25 to 40 components, and they're some of the most complicated products to make," Grant explains of how her VS training (as a senior merchant) primed her to launch Lively. "To make a quality bra, you need a team with experience and expertise... Traveling the globe to meet with world-class manufacturers also makes you understand the importance of building a quality product; [there's] no smoke and mirrors." The brand also produces all of its designs in its own factory.

Lively’s concept garnered some substantial pre-launch interest — the brand had to shut down its servers during a "refer-a-friend" marketing campaign when over 100K subscribers signed up in just two days, a PR rep tells us.

2nd-embed-livelyPhoto: Courtesy of Lively.

We'll have to see if a well-executed bra/sports bra/bikini top mashup is what our closets really have been missing. What we can say is Lively is stepping up to address the skivvies-shaped void in the ongoing athleisure conversation.

last-embed-livelyPhoto: Courtesy of Lively.

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Sophie Simmons Wants You To Know That You Don't Need To Be Retouched


Most of the images we see on our social media feeds are filtered, altered, and sometimes completely retouched. As much as it's fun to play with photo tools, they often create impractical looks and perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards.

Let's take a tip from Sophie Simmons on this one: Put your phone down and recognize just how beautiful you are. No Photoshop necessary. How?

1. Don't spend so much time on social media.
2. Recognize that your photos are not you.
3. Stop comparing yourself to others.

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"Even Though People Didn't Mean To, They Were Really Excluding Me"

fb_accessibility_embedPhoto: Courtesy Facebook.

We scroll through Facebook every day, looking at pictures and videos, commenting and liking. Now, imagine that experience without actually being able to see all those photos and videos. How would you know what people were talking about? How would you know what to say to join in on the conversation?

"It was kind of a letdown," Facebook's accessibility specialist Matt King, who is blind, tells Refinery29 of what it was like using the social network without sight. "Even though people didn't mean to, they were really excluding me from the conversation. It was an inherently visual conversation."

King lost most of his vision while he was in college. He has since spent his career — 25 years at IBM and close to a year at Facebook — dedicated to making technology available to everyone. After joining Facebook in its early years and struggling to navigate its interface, now he, and the rest of the Facebook accessibility team, are really opening up the social networking conversation with a new product, Automatic Alternative Text.

Normally, a visually impaired person uses some form of screen reader to audibly read out text that's on screen (on an iPhone, you can do this by switching on VoiceOver in its settings). However, in today's world, much of what's happening online is in pictures and videos. Automatic Alt Text comes in to translate those images into words. You can see it in action in the video below.

I'm inspired by this video about our artificial intelligence research at Facebook.Our AI can now look at a photo, figure out what's in it and help explain it to you. This is especially helpful if you're blind or can't see the photo. We see AI as helping computers better understand the world -- so they can be more helpful to people.We're still early with this technology, and you can already start to imagine how helpful it will be in the future.

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"That whole saying of, 'A picture is worth a thousand words,' I think it's true, but unless you have somebody to describe it to you, even having three words helps flesh out all the details that I can't see. That makes me feel included," a woman explains in the video.

In the past, she'd scroll through her feed and have to use the comments underneath to demystify what the image was of. With Automatic Alt Text, she can get some semblance of what a friend may be "So happy!" about without resorting to detective work. (A "So happy!" picture of a steamy slice of pizza doesn't necessitate quite the same response as that of a smiling, newly engaged couple, for instance.)

"It’s hard, if you’re sighted, to put yourself in someone else’s shoes," Jeff Wieland, who heads up Facebook's accessibility team, says. "If you don’t know someone who’s blind, people say, 'Well do blind people want to know what’s in a photo? If they’ve never seen a beach?' The emotion of hearing someone is smiling, that warms your heart whether you can see or not."

Automatic Alt Text works using image recognition to identify objects in photos. It generates, and reads out, a description of a photo, listing out items that may be in the picture. It can identify modes of transportation (things such as a car, bus, bicycle, or boat), nature (words such as outdoor, mountain, tree, and snow), words relating to someone's appearance (glasses, baby, smiling), sports, foods, and selfies.

While Automatic Alt Text isn't incredibly robust at this point, it is accurate, and it's exceptionally more helpful than not having any photo description at all.

And Facebook isn't the only company working on this kind of technology. At its developer conference last week, Microsoft also showed a demo of how its artificial intelligence systems help one of its blind engineers identify what's happening in front of him in the real world. Just when you thought AI was doomed, or doomed to remain incredibly creepy, here it is finally being used for the betterment of mankind.

As for Facebook's new feature, you can try the experience yourself. On your phone, go to Settings, General, Accessibility, and then turn on VoiceOver. Then, go to the Facebook app. When you swipe over a photo, you'll hear the app read out some of the different items the image may include.

"It’s not just about making [Facebook] possible to use," King says, "but making it possible for someone with a disability to get as much enjoyment out of the product as anyone else — to be equally engaged and connected, and feel equal in society, [like], 'Hey, we matter, we’re part of it, too.'"

embed1-6Photo: Courtesy Facebook.

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A Week In Washington, D.C., On An $80K Salary

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We asked a millennial woman how she spends her hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we're tracking every last dollar. (Thanks, New York mag, for the inspiration.)

Today, a married lobbyist picking up her son from day care and hitting the toddler birthday-party circuit.


Industry: Government Affairs, Lobbyist
Age: 34
Location: Washington, D.C. (work); Arlington, VA (home)
Salary: $80,000 + $80,000 (husband)
Paycheck Amount (2x a month): $3,333.33
Household: Husband (35), son (2.5)

Monthly Expenses
$1,700 for a two-bedroom, one bath
Daycare: $1,500
Loan Payments: $0! Paid it off last month.
Utilities: $150
Transportation: $115 (parking)
Phone Bill: I share a family plan with my in-laws, so my portion is $50.
Health Insurance: On my husband's plan
Google 10GB storage: $1.99

Day One

9 a.m. — Juice and toast at home before heading out for the day.

9:15 a.m. — To gear up for shopping with the toddler, we grabbed some coffee on the way to the grocery store. $2.15

9:30 a.m. — The whole family went grocery shopping, and we picked up items for the week, so staples like bread and milk, as well as specific items for meals (chicken breast, cilantro, etc.). We hit Walmart because we can get everything at once, including organic milk and produce. We also had to buy some household items, Ziploc bags that I use to freeze bulk cooking, air freshener, and toddler nutrition shakes. I have a picky eater. $113.76

1 p.m. — Went with some friends to an art exhibition (free!) and then grabbed a curry bowl at Spice 6 for lunch. $10.57

7 p.m. — Spent the rest of the evening at home, prepping for the week. This normally includes making a few meals in advance, but was feeling lazy so pushed that to Monday. Dinner was leftovers.

Total amount spent: $126.48

Day Two

7 a.m. — I have an alternate work schedule, so I work from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. This allows me to do day-care pickup (my husband drops off the toddler in the morning) and not have a rushed evening. In the morning I take the metro to work, and I use the flexible-spending account where a portion of my check is taken out pre-tax and put on a debit card to cover transit costs. This changes month to month, but I put $113.40 in this month. For the ride, $2.55.

7:30 a.m. — I usually make breakfast at work by keeping quick oats, walnut pieces, and dried fruit at my desk. We have free coffee that isn’t half bad, which helps keep away the Starbucks habit.

12 p.m. — I brought in leftovers from Spice 6 and mixed them with some leftover noodles. Voilà — fusion cooking!

2 p.m. — My office mates bring in lots of food; today we had cupcakes from someone’s kid’s birthday party and a veggie tray.

4 p.m. — I pick up my son on my way back, so my Metro fare is slightly more as I go to the day care, which is where my husband leaves the car for me to drive back home (he also covers the car insurance). However...

4:45 p.m. — MASSIVE delays on the Metro! I waited at one station for 30 minutes with nary a train in sight. I gave up and, fearing the $10-a-minute charge if I am late with day-care pickup, I grabbed a Lyft. Unfortunately my Metro card had already been charged, so that was a wash, but at least it wasn’t my full fare. $2.55

5:20 p.m. — My Lyft driver got me to day care with time to spare. I picked up my son, and then the car from the nearby garage, where my husband leaves it every morning. Since we pay a monthly fee for the garage, I simply used the fob from the garage company and exited without paying. $15.94

7 p.m. — I made rice and lentils from our groceries. Husband was working late, so I comforted my toddler missing his daddy by allowing him to have frozen waffles for dinner.

Total amount spent: $21.04

Day Three

7 a.m. — Trains working again. $2.55

7:35 a.m. — Coworker felt like taking a walk to Starbucks, and I ended up getting a Blonde Roast. $1.84

7:50 a.m. — Same breakfast of oatmeal, walnuts, and fruit.

11:45 a.m. — Lots of conference calls today, so I felt like I was going from meeting to meeting. Thankfully, there was a large fruit tray left over from a morning meeting so I could scarf down some berries and pineapple between meetings.

12:50 p.m. — Forgot to pack anything, so I grabbed a soup from the local deli. I augmented it with some fruit from home and some popcorn that I keep at my desk. $4.97

4:15 p.m. — Metro to day care. $2.85

5:20 p.m. — Picked up the toddler at day care, but had to kill time before a meeting at his school. We grabbed a kid's meal at Baja Fresh to keep him happy until we get home. I ate half of it. $4.93

7:30 p.m. — Husband was working late and the toddler was fed, so I fixed myself some lentils and rice for dinner. I did the bedtime routine before settling in for some TV time.

Total amount spent: $17.14

Day Four

7:20 a.m. — Seriously, the D.C. Metro is a nightmare! They decided to shut down the ENTIRE train system for 29 hours for safety inspections. Thankfully my husband was able to secure a free parking pass at his office, so we did a day-care drop-off and then drove in together and parked at his office, which is walking distance from my office. My manager was very understanding of my one-hour-late arrival, since he was late too!

8:25 a.m. — I was starving at this point; I usually eat much earlier. I made coffee, my usual oatmeal, and settled in for the day. A lot of people were telecommuting, so the office was nice and quiet.

10:30 a.m. — The quiet was making me hungry. I ate a banana I brought from home and made myself some office tea.

1 p.m. — After a call that went way too long, I sadly realized I had left my packed lunch at home in my fridge. Two days in a row is not good for the budget. I lifted my spirits by hitting the food trucks and getting a large and tasty gyro salad. Bonus — thanks to some free fruit and dessert in the conference room, I only ate half and could have the other half tomorrow! $9

4 p.m. — Picked up the car and headed to day care. I don’t normally drive out of D.C., so the traffic was a "fun" experience. I safely got myself to day care, and grabbed the toddler. The school provided a drive-home snack of an apple today, which he enjoyed.

7 p.m. — More lentils and rice! My husband was finally home in time for dinner, woo-hoo. We also made some guac, as we had a few avocados that would have gone bad otherwise. The toddler threw his rice and lentils across the room (deep breath), and decided he wanted Cheerios and blueberries instead.

Total amount spent: $9

Day Five

7 a.m. — Metro was running again, and without major issues, for now. $2.55

7:45 a.m. — I made some office coffee and ate a banana. Not feeling oatmeal this morning, so I grabbed a cheese stick instead, which I keep in the office fridge.

9:35 a.m. — Our friends are having a birthday party for their 1-year-old on Saturday and have very generously asked for donations to be made to help the Syrian refugee crisis, as opposed to traditional gifts. They set up a link through Evite to their charity of choice, which I used to make the donation. $50

9:45 a.m. — Breakfast in the conference room! I love food from breakfast meetings, especially when I don't have to go to the meeting. I made myself a granola, vanilla yogurt, and blueberry parfait.

12:17 p.m. — I got lunch with a friend who works nearby. I brought my leftover salad and she brought food from home. We grabbed a nice spot outside and enjoyed the weather.

1:15 p.m. — I had a conference for the rest of the day. I grabbed a Lyft to the hotel. Since it was work-related, I could comp it.

6:30 p.m. — My office sponsored a table at a charity dinner tonight. I attended and got to enjoy a nice steak dinner while catching up with a lot of people I’ve worked with over the years. It’s totally true when people say D.C. is a small town.

8:45 p.m. — Since the dinner was work-related, I grabbed a Lyft home and comped it.

Total amount spent: $52.55

Day Six

7 a.m. — Back to regular life and my morning Metro ride after a night of fancy food and free drinks. $2.55

7:40 a.m. — Oatmeal with fruit and nuts. Plus coffee.

12:20 p.m. — Grabbed some Potbelly’s for lunch, specifically a chicken-salad sandwich on multigrain bread with veggies and hot peppers. And some SunChips. $6.92

2:15 p.m. — Made a “mocha” with office coffee machine and some hot chocolate.

4:10 p.m. — Metro to day care, grabbed toddler, and drove home. $2.85

7 p.m. — Husband made chicken stew and panfried veggies for dinner last night, so we finished those leftovers for dinner. Toddler would only eat three graham crackers (sigh), and then downed a nutrition shake before bedtime.

Total amount spent: $12.32

Day Seven

7:15 a.m. — I really wanted to sleep in, but toddler had other ideas and woke us up to a rousing rendition of "Itsy Bitsy Spider." Made myself a fried egg, toast, and tea. I also had some leftover roasted veggies and a bowl of blackberries and blueberries. Toddler had oatmeal made with quick oats, fortified baby cereal, whole milk, and frozen berries. The berries get very soft and mix in nicely when cooked with the oatmeal.

1:45 p.m. — We had two 1-year-old birthday parties today. We drove to CVS, and I grabbed two kids' cards. One card got the donation slip from earlier in the week; the other got a gift card my husband bought. Teamwork. $8.44

2 p.m. — We drove to the first birthday party. It was safari-themed and we scarfed down some wings, turkey rolls, egg-salad sandwiches, bruschetta, spinach-artichoke dip, and “jungle” punch. Also, some pretty hard-to-deny chocolate cake with green frosting.

7 p.m. — Birthday two was a more formal affair. It was a catered event in a hotel, with a buffet of traditional Bengali food (the family’s heritage). Yum. And at the end, there were some fantastic chai-tea lattes for everyone to take in to-go cups.

Total amount spent: $8.44


The first step to getting your financial life in order is tracking what you spend — to try on your own, check out our guide to managing your money every day.

Have a money diary you'd like to share? Email moneydiary@refinery29.com.

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THIS Is The Color Taking Over Pin-Worthy Homes In 2016

Pinterest never fails to deliver the best home inspo. We’d be lying if we said we didn’t get all our decorating ideas from it. Well, Pinterest is getting pretty specific and has just announced its top colors for categories ranging from beauty to fashion to home. And, dominating the interior space? Gray.

This might explain why we’re suddenly itching to redecorate with the moody hue. The company took a look at the most popular Pins in different categories, and identified the dominant color to determine what folks are loving right now. And, apparently there was a 20% increase in interior images with a gray color palette since last year, which means the neutral tone is a top choice for everything from their bathroom to bedroom. So, we’ve rounded up our top 10 Pins that are 50 shades of gray and beyond.

Gray covers are such a sleek way to update your bedroom.

This gray bathroom is a stunner.

A selection of neutral plates will do the trick.

Add a few gray vases in your home for an industrial touch.

Gray walls are pretty timeless.

Painting in the inside of your cupboards gray? Such a creative idea.

All gray everything.

Gray and copper are a mighty fine color combo.

We wouldn't mind getting work done in here.

A gray staircase is so elegant.

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The Makeup & Hair Looks You'll Be Wearing This Year — Says Pinterest

Overhauling our makeup bags and medicine cabinets is the only spring cleaning we actually enjoy. Blame it on the vernal equinox, but around this time, we start to abandon our trusty old standbys for thrilling new shades, formulas, and trends. And we're not alone. Pinterest just announced its top color predictions for makeup and hair in 2016. Some of the looks are downright inspiring, others, a touch intimidating (oh, hi, cobalt hair...). But regardless, they all have a fresh, bright, newly minted appeal.

Whether you choose to jump right in, or take a more thoughtful approach, these are the shades you should be on the lookout for.

By examining the dominant color of each pin and working with its in-house insights team, Pinterest was able to determine that dark blue saw a 25% increase on the platform. This gorgeous boho braid was the top pin of the bunch!

It also seems pinners are craving traditional spring pastels, as demand for lavender has risen by 30% this year. Fairy Girl's Lipstick in Angel is both richly pigmented and pretty.

And finally, this gorgeous deep green from Essie is just one of the top-pinned nail shades that are about to be everywhere. Check out the other looks Pinterest is predicting right here.

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30 Of The Most Random Music Video Couples You've Ever Seen

One of the perks of being a rock star is having the power to cast just about anyone you want in your music video. Sometimes, the results are so right. We'll never believe that Alicia Silverstone and Liv Tyler aren't truly best friends/maybe girlfriends, that Lady Gaga and Alexander Skarsgård don't make a hot fake couple, or that Stephen Dorff isn't the worst boyfriend a pop star could ever have.

Sometimes, the results are a little head-scratching. Never mind Paula Abdul coupling up with a cartoon cat for "Opposites Attract"— remember when she smooched Keanu Reeves? Then there's the MTV union of Kanye West and Stacey Dash, Scarlett Johansson cheating on Justin Timberlake with Shawn Hatosy, and, of course, Jessica Lowndes' recent dalliance with Jon Lovitz. Still reeling from that last one, by the way.

We dug through Vevo to unearth some of the most random relationships immortalized in music videos. Click through to see Megan Fox mate with a Hobbit, Calvin Harris make out with one of Taylor Swift's best friends, and Mischa Barton seduce Enrique Iglesias. Only in Hollywood, folks.

Madonna & Keith Carradine, Madonna "Material Girl" (1985)
Madonna is said to have met her first husband, Sean Penn, on the set of this iconic video. But the role of her love interest went to Martha Plimpton's dad, known for his work on Deadwood and Dexter.

Paula Abdul & Keanu Reeves, Paula Abdul "Rush Rush" (1991)
Long before American Idol came calling, Abdul and the man who would become Neo enjoyed a Rebel Without a Cause-inspired romance for the cameras.

Eddie Murphy & Iman, Michael Jackson "Remember the Time" (1992)
Iman played the bored queen to Murphy's Pharaoh, though she's clearly much more interested in Michael Jackson.

Axl Rose & Stephanie Seymour, Guns N' Roses "November Rain" (1992)
The supermodel played Rose's doomed bride in this epic music video. She was dating the rocker in real life, but it remains one of those romances we still don't quite get.

Lark Voorhies & Wanya Morris, Boyz II Men "On Bended Knee" (1994)
What's more random? Wanya pairing up with Lisa Turtle, or Nathan dating Tootie?

Darren Hayes & Kirsten Dunst, Savage Garden "I Knew I Loved You" (1999)
Hayes publicly came out as gay in the early-2000s. Prior to that, the then-27-year-old singer had an on-screen romance with Kirsten Dunst, who was just 17 years old at the time. Nobody checked her ID?

Mariah Carey & Jerry O'Connell, Mariah Carey ft. Jay Z "Heartbreaker" (1999)
Rebecca Romijn's hubby played Mariah's cheating boyfriend in this TRL favorite directed by Brett Ratner.

Scott Weiland & Sarah Michelle Gellar, Stone Temple Pilots "Sour Girl" (2000)
Step aside, Willow. Buffy got witchy for her role as Weiland's "sour girl."

Dido & Devon Sawa, Eminem ft. Dido "Stan" (2000)
In addition to lending her vocals to this controversial Eminem track, the English singer played former teen heartthrob Devon Sawa's pregnant girlfriend. Just go with it.

Enrique Iglesias & Mischa Barton, Enrique Iglesias "Addicted" (2003)
If Iglesias is "addicted" to anything, it's the habit of casting celebrity women in his videos. TheO.C. star Barton joins a lineup of leading ladies that includes Jennifer Love Hewitt and real-life girlfriend Anna Kournikova.

Dido & David Boreanaz, Dido "White Flag" (2003)
That one time Dido and Angel went through a painful breakup, and we wondered when Buffy was going to show up.

Kanye West & Stacey Dash, Kanye West ft. Syleena Johnson "All Falls Down" (2004)
Everyone take a moment to consider what the world would be like if West and Dash were an actual IRL couple. Twitter would self-destruct, right?

Adam Levine & Kelly Preston, Maroon 5 "She Will Be Loved" (2004)
He's got a girlfriend, but Levine can't help lusting after her mom (played by John Travolta's missus). It's all very Real Housewives of Beverly Hills meets The Graduate.

Fiona Apple & Zach Galifianakis, Fiona Apple "Not About Love" (2005)
Fiona Apple and Zach Galifianakis in bed? We didn't see that one coming.

Evan Rachel Wood & Jamie Bell, Green Day "Wake Me Up When September Ends" (2005)
Bell and the guy best known for playing Billy Elliot made an unlikely couple in this moving video about a Marine and his girlfriend, but it worked. The two coupled up in real life, and eventually married and had a kid. They separated in 2014.

Toby Keith & Heather Locklear, Toby Keith "Crash Here Tonight" (2006)
Who better to play the love interest of a country crooner whose album is titled White Trash with Money than the woman who married rock gods Tommy Lee and Richie Sambora ?

Kerry Washington & Common, Common "I Want You" (2007)
A pre-Olivia Pope Washington co-directed this video, which co-stars Alicia Keys, Kanye West, Derek Luke, and Common's real-life ex, Serena Williams.

Justin Timberlake, Scarlett Johansson & Shawn Hatosy, Justin Timberlake "What Goes Around... Comes Around" (2007)
ScarJo and Timbersnake make a sexy couple, but it's hard to believe she'd cheat on him with Shawn Hatosy. The video was reportedly inspired by Timberlake's best friend Trace Ayala and his relationship with actress Elisha Cuthbert.

Gavin DeGraw & Kristin Cavallari, Gavin DeGraw "In Love with a Girl" (2008)
Not long after playing Teddy Geiger's love interest in the video for "For You I Will," Cavallari moved on to DeGraw.

Taylor Swift & Lucas Till, Taylor Swift "You Belong With Me" (2009)
Sorry, Hannah Montana. Your movie boyfriend (and Havok from X-Men) actually belongs with Tay. Fun fact: This video resulted in the VMAs win that prompted Kanye West's infamous tantrum.

Brandon Flowers & Charlize Theron, Brand Flowers "Crossfire" (2010)
Theron kicks serious ninja butt in order to rescue The Killers frontman. Furiosa would be proud.

Megan Fox & Dominic Monaghan, Eminem ft. Rihanna "Love the Way You Lie" (2010)
Best known for his work on Lost and the Lord of the Rings films, ex-Hobbit Monaghan played Fox's abusive boyfriend in this intense video.

Elijah Wood & Chloë Sevigny, Beastie Boys "Make Some Noise" (2011)
Speaking of Hobbits getting action, we can't quite look away from Frodo sticking his tongue down the indie star's throat.

Lady Gaga & Norman Reedus, Lady Gaga "Judas" (2011)
As Mary Magdalene, Gaga finds herself torn between a motorcycle-riding Jesus and Daryl Dixon, er, Judas.

Lana Del Rey & A$AP Rocky, Lana Del Rey "National Anthem" (2012)
The rapper wasn't the most obvious choice to play JFK, but he and Del Rey make a surprisingly hot pair.

Ellie Goulding & Calvin Harris, Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding "I Need Your Love" (2013)
Look away, Taylor Swift. Goulding, who would later introduce Swift to future boyfriend Harris, kisses and curls up in bed with the Scottish DJ in this video collaboration.

Rita Ora & Michael Madsen, Iggy Azalea ft. Rita Ora "Black Widow" (2014)
Tarantino favorite Madsen played Ora's rude, BLT-loving boyfriend in this Kill Bill-inspired video.

Dianna Agron & Chris Messina, Sam Smith "I'm Not the Only One" (2014)
What are Quinn Fabray and Mindy's boyfriend doing together, and why is he being such a jerk?

Adele & Tristan Wilds, Adele "Hello" (2015)
Old-school cell phones and a cameo by Tristan "Michael Lee" Wilds? How is this not an episode of The Wire?

Jessica Lowndes & Jon Lovitz, Jessica Lowndes "Deja Vu" (2016)
For a hot minute, we all thought the 90210 star was in love with the Saturday Night Live alum. As it turns out, it was just a prank to promote this video, which sees the odd couple engaging in some kinky behavior.

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Beyoncé Talks Police Brutality & True Equality

beyonce-elle-4Courtesy of Topshop

It was the music video that stopped the world in its tracks. Beyoncé provedthe span of her power in releasing “Formation” as an unlisted Youtube link, which you could only watch if you had the link, had been sent the link, or were subscribed to Tidal. From the lyrics, to the video, to the release strategy, “Formation” was perfect. It also reminded us to keep instances of race-related police brutality at the forefront of our discussions.

In case you were away that day, the opening image of the video is Queen Bey crouching on a New Orleans police car, floating in the river. Another arresting scene sees a young African-American boy dancing in front of a line of white policemen in riot gear; and the final scene is the police car sinking in the river, pulling Beyoncé under with it. “Formation” was a sleekly executed call to action and an empowering statement of Black identity.

In a revealing interview by Tamar Gottesman in Elle UK, released yesterday, Beyoncé talks about the issues at hand in “Formation” and sets the record straight on her views about police brutality. She also talks extensively about her new activewear line Ivy Park, unveiled last week, and outlines her definition and practice of feminism, from a parent's perspective.

Here’s what stood out to us from the interview:

On “Formation”:
“I’m an artist and I think the most powerful art is usually misunderstood. But anyone who perceives my message as anti-police is completely mistaken. I have so much admiration and respect for officers and the families of officers who sacrifice themselves to keep us safe. But let’s be clear: I am against police brutality and injustice. Those are two separate things. If celebrating my roots and culture during Black History Month made anyone uncomfortable, those feelings were there long before a video and long before me. I’m proud of what we created and I’m proud to be part of a conversation that is pushing things forward in a positive way.”

On her definition of Feminism:
“I’m not really sure people know or understand what a feminist is, but it’s very simple. It’s someone who believes in equal rights for men and women. I don’t understand the negative connotation of the word or why it should exclude the opposite sex. If you’re a man who believes your daughter should have the same opportunities and rights as your son, then you’re a feminist.”

“Ask anyone, man or woman, ‘Do you want your daughter to have 75 cents when she deserves $1?’”

“I don’t want calling myself a feminist to make it feel like that’s my one priority over racism or sexism or anything else. […] If you believe in equal rights, the same way society allows a man to express his darkness, to express his pain, to express his sexuality, to express his opinion — I feel that women have the same rights.”

On self-perception:
“It’s not about perfection. It’s about purpose. We have to care about our bodies and what we put in them. Women have to take time to focus on our mental health — take time for the self, for the spiritual, without feeling guilty or selfish. The world will see you the way you see you.”

On the pain of childbirth:
“Everyone experiences pain, but sometimes you need to be uncomfortable to transform. Pain is not pretty – but I wasn’t able to hold my daughter in my arms until I experienced the pain of childbirth.”

Read the full interview in the new issue of ELLE UK magazine, out now.

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This Woman Turned Her Home Into An Incredible Cat Sanctuary

CatEmbedPhotographed by Eva K Salvi.

Would you turn your home over to thousands of cats?

That's exactly what Lynea Lattanzio did. She transformed her 4,000-square-foot California home into The Cat House on the Kings, which The Associated Press reports is "believed to be the largest no-cage cat sanctuary and adoption center" in the United States.

The Fresno County Board of Supervisors approved Lattanzio's home for a zoning variance in 1997, and The Cat House on the Kings became a nonprofit in 2002. In the sanctuary's many years of operation, it's saved roughly 24,000 cats, according to AP. As many as 1,000 of the furry creatures can live at the cat house at the same time.

Lattanzio told AP that she started the sanctuary after learning about other shelters' euthanization policies for cats that haven't been adopted. By allowing the felines to live in her (former) home, she provides them with a comfortable life they wouldn't have at other shelters.

"They've got this house. They've got 12 acres. They can climb a tree. They can go sit in the sun outside," Lattanzio told AP. "It just gives these animals a reason to live as opposed to just living in a cage just because no one wants them."

As for Lattanzio, she reportedly now lives in a trailer on the 12-acre property.

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Jodie Sweetin Gets Real About Her Struggle With Drug Addiction

Jodie Sweetin_embedPhoto: Chelsea Lauren/REX/Shutterstock.

Jodie Sweetin hasn't played down how thrilled she is that her Full House family has reunited for another run. "I was 13 when the show ended," she reflected in Complex earlier this spring. "I wanted nothing more than to continue doing it."

But the years following the series' original run were dark for the child star, who started playing Stephanie Tanner at the age of 5. "It was a huge shift in my life," Sweetin explained last night on Dancing With the Stars. "It was like saying goodbye to a family I had loved very, very much. At such a young age, it really was a huge loss for me. I didn't know how to grieve."

The actress fell into a dark place. "Drugs and alcohol just sort of numbed everything," she shared. "I was doing cocaine and ecstasy and alcohol and all of that. The darkest moments for me weren't necessarily winding up in the hospital or anything like that. It was those quiet moments alone when I just hated the person I had become."

Things have turned around since, though — especially after Netflix picked up Fuller House, and Sweetin got to return to doing what she loves most: playing Stephanie Tanner.

Bob Saget — who plays Sweetin's TV dad and is also a friend and mentor in real life — added his own thoughts to her emotional DTWTS reveal. "She's a great mom because she's been through so much, and with that comes honesty," he said of Sweetin, who has two children and recently became engaged.

"The more honest you are with your kids, the more you can be real with them,” Saget continued. "I think her biggest accomplishment is that she's just incredibly real. And that's one of the things I love the most about her."

Watch Sweetin's emotional performance on Dancing With The Stars in the clip below.

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Emilia Clarke Saw Khal Drogo's Penis & It Was "Fabulous"

game-of-thrones-glamourPhoto: Chelsea Lauren/Variety/REX/Shutterstock.

Emilia Clarke plays the most powerful female character on one of TV's most controversial shows when it comes to depictions of sex, rape, and nudity. Fittingly, she's got a lot to say about how that pertains to Daenerys Targaryen and her late hubby, Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa). In the May issue of Glamour, Clarke talks about female vs. male nudity and issues of sexual consent on Game of Thrones. She also addresses one of the most serious, inflammatory points of controversy on the show: the inexplicable mystery of why we never saw Khal Drogo's penis. "Showing it would make people feel bad. It’s too fabulous," she jokes. "No, I don’t know why." But Clarke herself caught more than a glimpse of her co-star's nether regions. "I saw his member, but it was covered in a pink fluffy sock."

On a note much more serious than fluffy pink man-parts, Clarke gets into the complex sexual relationship that Khaleesi had with her late husband — which, you'll remember, began with a disturbing post-wedding rape scene in season one. She blames series author George R.R. Martin for that. "Daenerys and Khal Drogo’s arranged marriage, and the customary rape that followed — ask George R.R. Martin why he did that, ’cause that’s on him." But Clarke — who has defended the HBO show against accusations of sexism before — also sees the evolution of Khaleesi's sexual agency as empowering for the character. "I thought the consensual sex she has thereafter was genius," the actress says. She is physically saying, ‘You can’t rape me again. I’m going to be in control and show you something you’ve never seen before.'"

And now? Last we saw, Khaleesi is kicking ass — and seeing what she went through makes it feel all the more redemptive. "At the heart of it, we’re telling a story; you need that part [the rape] of the story to feel empathy for Daenerys. You see her attacked by her brother, raped by her husband, and then going, ‘F—k all of you, I’m gonna rule the world.’ That’s where we are now.” Yas queen! See Clarke continue her reign when Game Of Thrones returns on April 24.

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Everyone Is Trolling Tyga's Instagram Over Blac Chyna & Rob’s Engagement Pics

So last night, Rob Kardashian apparently proposed to Blac Chyna and now the two are engaged.

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All of the fans of the #ChyRo quickly headed over to Tyga's Instagram page to start trolling on all his recent posts. The rapper was in Dubai for a show, and while there met a slew of wild animals. But none of the animals were nearly as savage as the persistent comments flooding onto his pictures.

Users are commenting with a diamond ring emoji, and a couple kissing. They are also leaving a four-leaf clover, perhaps a symbol of Rob, whose birthday is March 17.

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Amongst the initial question of "Didn't they just start dating?!?!" one might have the follow-up question of, "Wait, what does that mean for Tyga and Kylie Jenner..."

The internet also has that answer for you.

If Blac Chyna and Rob marry, and Tyga and Kylie marry, then Tyga will be both the uncle, and the father, to his son with Blac Chyna, Cairo. Commenters are having fun with the idea of Tyga being an "Uncle Daddy," a play on the phrase "baby daddy."

Or even a "son-phew" which is a combination of "son" and "nephew."

All-in-all, this potential union is quite complex. Take a minute and let it soak in.

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Gigi Hadid Just Taught Us The BEST Late-Night Snack Hack

embedPhoto: MediaPunch/REX/Shutterstock.

The Kardashians aren't the only celebs that have kooky food hacks up their sleeves. (If you've never seen how they eat Kit Kats, it's definitely worth watching.) In fact, Gigi Hadid just raised the bar on celeb cooking tips. She showed fans a late-night snacking idea that gives us a whole new reason to want to be a member of her squad.

According to Teen Vogue, Hadid originally posted her "recipe" on Snapchat, but it's been more than 24 hours, so we'll just have to relive the moment on Instagram. But trust us, it's worth it.

First, Hadid takes a crepe and spreads Nutella on it, which would be delicious as is, but isn't exactly groundbreaking. It's what she does next that proves her snack game is seriously on point.

Post-Nutella, she scoops some mint chocolate chip ice cream on top and then rolls the entire thing up and slices it in half. We're thinking Hadid should bring her culinary chops to the next episode of Cooking With Kylie.

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Here's How Much It Costs To Get Married In 2016 (Spoiler: It's A LOT)

Embed (8)Photographed by Winnie Au.

Just how much, exactly, does it cost to say "I do"? Well, if you're a bride or groom in the U.S., it will likely set you back more than $32,000 — and if you live in New York or Chicago, that barely scratches the surface.

The Knot has released its annual Real Weddings Study, which surveys some 18,000 American couples who got hitched in 2015 to learn about their spending habits and wedding day preparations. The latest findings indicate that the average U.S. couple spends an estimated $32,641 on their big day.

That's up more than $1,400 compared to last year — and represents an increase of $5,500 over the last five years.

The Knot also broke down the most expensive cities for weddings, and (no surprise here) Manhattan took the cake. The average New York City couple dropped a whopping $82,299 on their nuptials, which is nearly $50,000 more than the national average, and about $20,000 more than the next city on the list, Chicago, where the average price tag clocks in at $61,265.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is Alaska, the least expensive place to get married. There, couples spent just $17,361 on average.

So, what is included in these totals? The final tallies take into account just about every cost and expense related to a wedding: the venue, catering, photographer, florist, dress, invitations, transportation, the engagement ring, among other typical expenditures. The only thing it doesn't include is the honeymoon.

The individual price tags that contribute to these totals aren't small, either. In 2015, the average bride in the U.S. spent $1,469 on a wedding dress. The average engagement ring went for $5,871 or more. And couples spent $14,788 or more on venues. Practically every component tracked by The Knot increased in price from the previous year, with the exception of party favors, on which couples spent an average of $267, compared with $275 the previous year.

If all these numbers are making your head spin (and maybe giving you cold feet?), keep in mind that at least according to those surveyed here, couples rarely foot the whole bill themselves. On average, The Knot reports that the bride’s parents contribute 44% of the overall wedding budget, the bride and groom shell out 43%, and the groom’s parents toss in about 12%. (The Knot conducts a separate LGBTQ Marriage Study, so this data was gathered specifically from heterosexual couples.)

Either way, the bottom line is: If he likes it, then he needs to do way more than put a ring on it. He should probably present a savings plan, too. And, hey, it's never too late to throw a destination wedding in Alaska!

For a closer look at the average amounts couples spent on each component of their big day, see The Knot's handy infographic, below.

WeddingSpend_National_cropCourtesy of The Knot.

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Iggy Azalea Insists, Despite The Headlines, She's Living Her Dream Life

Based on recent headlines, Iggy Azalea isn't having a good month. A tape featuring her fiancé, Nick Young, admitting he slept with someone else while they were a couple, has been circulating online. TMZ is reporting she owes $391,056.55 in back taxes from 2014. But Azalea has assured her fans on Twitter that the media is trying to create drama in her life that just isn't there.

On April 4, Azalea tweeted out, "Peep the way when one thing happens media scrambles to keep adding on to the storyline, like a soap opera. #IggyNovela." She went on to explain that she has worked out a payment plan with the IRS, tweeting, "they exaggerate everything. the IRS gave the option to pay them monthly or lump sum. i picked monthly, who wouldnt?"

She called the timing of the TMZ report suspect, suggesting that they were trying to add more drama on top of her very public relationship complications. But don't worry about Azalea. Regardless of the controversy swirling around the singer — real or imagined — she'd like you to know she's very content. As she put it in a tweet, "*sits in dream house, fucks dream man, wears dream clothing, drives dream car, lives dream life* baaaaiiiii lol."

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Is This The Next Big Thing In Beauty?

EMBIllustrated by Anna Sudit.

I got a very interesting text message the other day from my cousin's husband. "I need your expertise," it read. "What's a good everyday face lotion for sensitive, dry skin with a good SPF? And maybe a toner?" Whoa. I was impressed.

As a beauty editor, I get my fair share of inquiries about products — and this wasn't even my first one from a guy. (My Italian-American brothers are very grooming-focused — we used to get our eyebrows waxed together in high school.) But the man sending this text message is the epitome of what you might call a "dude." As in, he isn't the type of guy you'd see walking down the street and think, His face looks well-moisturized. More like, He probably knows the score to last night's football game.

Given that, the level of detail in his message was pretty incredible to me. He didn't just ask how to keep his face from feeling dry, he asked for a daytime moisturizer (with SPF, no less!). He obviously knows his stuff. This is something we've been seeing in the beauty space more and more lately — men who are interested in keeping themselves looking tip-top, and products that cater directly to this desire.

It's the reason behind the rise of brands like Dollar Shave Club and Harry's. It's why we're seeing more men with hairstyles instead of just cuts. And it's probably why Axe has rebranded itself from frat-boy fodder to an all-grown-up aspirational aesthetic. The message is clear:Men of all lifestyles and interests are becoming more interested in a detailed grooming routine.

And it's been a long time coming. "I would actually say it was the late '90s to early 2000s [when this started]," says Fadi Mourad, chief innovation officer of product for Dollar Shave Club. "It's when we started to hear the term 'metrosexual' to mean a man who wanted to take care of himself. David Beckham was kind of the face of all of that." Michael Pollak, the chief brand officer and cofounder of Heyday facial shop in New York City, agrees. "The early 2000s were when you started seeing shows like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," he says. "Things that originally seemed superficial started turning into this idea of 'grooming,' and guys got into that."

Mourad also credits the barbershop revival for the rise of dude grooming. In the early-to-mid-aughts, hipsters started flocking to neighborhood barbershops that had been around for decades. "They were interested in the nostalgia and the ritual of what went on there," Mourad says. "Going to a barbershop is unlike going to a salon. It feels very masculine." The industry took note, and boutique barbershops began cropping up in major cities to cater to their growing client bases. "A barbershop is so synonymous with men's grooming," Mourad says. "Hair care is the entryway to male grooming."

That level of self-esteem and confidence that comes from knowing you're looking and feeling your best — that crosses gender lines.

All of these factors have contributed to the destigmatization of male grooming, and skin care is the next logical step. But Pollak says it's been a slow start because of how female-focused the industry is. "Professional skin care has always been stuck in spas," he says, attributing Heyday's success with males to its gender-neutral setting. "It makes men feel more comfortable."

A lot of men's brands are tied to big companies that are driven by women's products, which can affect the formulations. "Most products are too shiny and don't absorb," says Mourad. "It gives them a glow — which is exactly what women want — but men interpret it as grease."

More and more men are seeking answers to their skin-care questions — Pollak has seen a steady uptick in Heyday's male clientele. "About 20% of our clients are men," he says. "Our male numbers go up and up each month."

Pollak says his male clientele is a curious bunch. "They're so open to learning," he says. "They're interested and open to building a routine, and they're specific in their questions." While women are often bombarded with messaging and come in with complicated (and most of the time incorrect for their skin type) routines, working with men is like starting from scratch. "They say things like, 'I'm having breakouts,' or, 'I know I should be doing something, but I don't know what,'" Pollak says. "They're goal- and assignment-driven. And they're realizing that it's just about maintenance."

Pollak and Mourad agree that men really just want to take care of themselves, and both see major potential for growth in the male arena. "I truly think that within the next five years, we'll see a big change in how much advertising is being done towards men," Mourad predicts. "It's really about understanding what the guy is looking for, and the men's space is so much less saturated."

At the end of the day, men want what women want — to feel confident when they look in the mirror. "Men are starting to see skin care as more than just surface-level," Pollak says. "That level of self-esteem and confidence that comes from knowing that you're looking and feeling your best — that crosses gender lines."

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Can Workout Gear REALLY Be Empowering? Beyoncé Thinks So

Elle just dropped its cover story with Beyoncé — you know, the “superstar in chief,” as she’s dubbed in the piece, who didn’t even do an interview for her Vogue cover last year. In addition to discussing her definition of feminism, her secrets to healthy self-perception, and the pain of childbirth, Queen Bey also philosophizes on her full-fledged fashion line, Ivy Park, which drops next week. (In case you need a copy of your own, the issue hits newsstands in select cities tomorrow, and will be available nationwide on April 19.)

Apparently, Bey worked on the line, which is a 50-50 joint venture with Topshop’s billionaire head honcho, Sir Philip Green, for years. “We had countless meetings; we searched for and auditioned designers for months,” she said. Bey knew what she wanted from the get-go — “I presented [Green] with the idea, the mission statement, the purpose, the marketing strategy — all in the first meeting,” she told the glossy.

embed-3-bey-Photo: Courtesy of Paola Kudacki/ELLE.

As for that sense of purpose, it’s pretty ambitious for a slew of leggings and sports bras (oh, and the line's name is rife with meaning, ICYMI). The clothes are supposed to be more than just stylish stuff to sweat in — they’re meant to be anti-perfectionist, empowering, and also, they aim to fill a void in the activewear realm.

“I realized that there wasn’t really an athletic brand for women like myself or my dancers or friends,” the star told Elle. “Nothing aspirational for girls like my daughter. I thought of Ivy Park as an idyllic place for women like us.” The entire shoot is filled with Bey (and her backup dancers) decked out in the logo-heavy, sheer-paneled gear.

bey-embed-2-Photo: Courtesy of Paola Kudacki/ELLE.

In addition to scouring for the talent to design Ivy Park’s “custom technical fabrics” in a way that “tried to focus on pushing athletic wear further,” as Beyoncé describes the process, she was pretty selective design-wise, since so many years of practicing and performing means lots of time spent chilling in Spandex. “And because I’ve spent my life training and rehearsing, I was very particular about what I wanted,” she told Elle. “I’m sweating, I’m doing flips — so we designed a high-waist legging that’s flattering when you’re really moving around and pushing yourself.”

As for the empowering, you-do-you message behind Ivy Park, the star wants the line "to celebrate every woman and the body she’s in while always striving to be better.... For me, [Ivy Park is] the place that my drive comes from," she said. "I think we all have that place we go to when we need to fight through something, set our goals and accomplish them."

embed-2-beyPhoto: Courtesy of Paola Kudacki/ELLE.

Beyoncé also waxes poetic to writer Tamar Gottesman about the brand that Ivy Park cofounder Green built (and perhaps is most famous for). “I’ve been shopping at Topshop for probably 10 years now. It’s one of the only places where I can actually shop by myself. It makes me feel like a teenager,” she says.

Now that Ivy Park is (nearly) out at last, Bey just really wants you to start perspiring in it: “For me, it won’t be real until I see women at the gym, in the park, on the street wearing the collection, sweating in it, and loving it.”

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15 Celebs Who've Been Married Forever — To The Same Person

Hollywood is famous for a lot of things — but cultivating healthy, long-lasting relationships isn't one of them. When celebs tie the knot, there's always an underlying sense that the marriage isn't going to last. Even the unions that seem most unshakable can go south. We're still reeling from the end of Jen and Brad, not to mention Bennifer, take two.

Of course, there's no shame in ending a marriage that has run its course, but not all celebrity marriages are doomed. Some superstar couples have managed to make it work for 15, 30, or even 45 years and counting. And we're not just talking about the same duos you always hear about (Will and Jada! Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick! Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson!). There are plenty of other A-listers who've been hitched for WAY longer than you might realize.

Click through for our list of 15 famous couples who said "I do"— and meant it. And the next time you're questioning whether true love is real, just remember: For every Gwen and Gavin, there's a Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Brad Hall.

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David & Victoria Beckham, Married Since 1999
While Posh and Becks' union isn't exactly a secret, we were stunned to realize they've been married for 17 years — and together for nearly 20. While they're always trailed by divorce rumors, so far those haven't panned out, and we are comforted by the glimpses of familial bliss we see on the pair's respective Instagram accounts.

Jamie Lee Curtis & Christopher Guest, Married Since 1984
This is one of those relationships that makes you scratch your head at first, but then makes perfect sense. Not only has the duo been legally married for over 30 years, but they are also bona fide British aristocracy: They assumed the formal titles of Lord and Lady Haden-Guest in 1996 after the death of Guest's father, a former U.N. diplomat who was a member of the British House of Lords.

Denzel & Pauletta Washington, Married Since 1983
The actor met his future wife Pauletta on the set of his first on-screen acting job (a TV movie called Wilma) in the late 1970s, and never looked back. At 61, Denzel remains a Hollywood A-lister. And while some couples may not be able to weather the complex dynamics that come with fame, he and Pauletta seem to have it figured out. The Washingtons actually renewed their vows in 1985 — and are still going strong, over 30 years later.

Samuel L. Jackson & LaTanya Richardson, Married Since 1980
Jackson and Richardson met as college students in Atlanta in 1974, and wed six years later. Though they readily admit to having had some bumps in the road (especially early in their relationship, when Jackson dabbled in drugs and alcohol before embracing sobriety), we suspect those difficult times made their union even stronger.

Meryl Streep & Don Gummer, Married Since 1978
Streep and Gummer married within six months of meeting each other, proving that sometimes, when you know, you know. While Gummer, a professional sculptor (and father to the couple's four children), prefers to stay out of the spotlight, Meryl has continued to rack up the roles — and the Oscar nominations and wins — for the better part of four decades.

Christopher & Georgianne Walken, Married Since 1969
Yes, someone is married to Christopher Walken. The actor has made a career out of playing crazy, quirky, even scary characters, but his real life is much tamer. He has been married to his wife Georgianne, a casting director whose credits include The Sopranos, for nearly half a century. They have no children, but they do have a cat named Bowtie.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus & Brad Hall, Married Since 1987
Louis-Dreyfus once credited her long-lasting marriage to "good luck," then adding, "Fundamentally, we share a similar set of values. That doesn’t sound very sexy, I know. But at the end of the day, it’s nice to know that’s in place." The actress and her comedian husband met in college at Northwestern, and both went on to work at Saturday Night Live in the early '80s, before JLD skyrocketed to fame on Seinfeld.

Rachel Zoe & Rodger Berman, Married Since 1996
We were shocked to learn that celeb stylist and designer Rachel Zoe has been married to her investment banker husband for 20 years. They met in 1991 as college students at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., when Zoe was just 19, and married five years later. As for how Berman feels about being married to the fashion powerhouse? In an interview with Harper's Bazaar, he acknowledged that people sometimes doubt his heterosexuality, but that his "dirty little secret" is that he "loves it all." We'll just leave it at that.

Colin & Livia Firth, Married Since 1997
Livia once admitted that Firth's portrayal of a lovestruck Mr. Darcy didn't appeal to her Italian family, who thought he looked "constipated." The two were somehow able to get past the cultural divide, and have been happily married since 1997.

Bryan Cranston & Robin Dearden, Married Since 1989
Some Hollywood romances start when two people play love interests on screen. In the case of Cranston and Dearden, their love blossomed when he played a kidnapper who held a gun to his future wife's head in 1986. Sounds about right for the future Walter White.

Angela Bassett & Courtney B. Vance, Married Since 1997
The two actors first met in 1980 and were friends for years before they started dating in 1996. "Gradually it dawned on us that we like each other," Vance once told People. Sometimes, slow and steady really does win the race.

Lisa Kudrow & Michel Stern, Married Since 1995
Kudrow's pregnancy following her '95 nuptials was a major plot point on season 4 of Friends — meaning that Kudrow's actual son (Julian) and Phoebe's fictitious triplets all turn 18 this year. The actress and her husband, a French advertising executive, will celebrate their 21st wedding anniversary in May; their marriage is finally old enough to drink!

Steve & Nancy Carell, Married Since 1995
Fans of The Office know that Nancy guest-starred on the show as one of Michael Scott's short-lived girlfriends. In real life, the pair has had much more success.

Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuelos, Married Since 1996
The power couple met on the set of All My Children, and there's more than a hint of soap opera in this relationship. They began dating after playing on-screen love interests, and soon eloped to Las Vegas, a fact they initially hid from their coworkers. Twenty years (and three children) later, and these two still make one of the cutest couples in town.

Jeff & Susan Bridges, Married Since 1977
Jeff Bridges met his wife, who was waitressing at the time, while filming a movie on a dude ranch in Montana. She went with him to California, and after three years of dating, Susan informed Jeff that she was ready to settle down, and would be returning to Montana — with or without him. "I can't let this woman go," he told himself, so he got down on one knee and proposed. They married three days later, on a Thursday.

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Amy Schumer Just Called Out A Major Magazine For Labeling Her "Plus Size"


Comedian Amy Schumer just called out Glamour magazine for including her in a list of plus size women such as Melissa McCarthy, Adele, and Ashley Graham.

Schumer was mentioned on the cover of Glamour's "Chic At Any Size" special edition, which is billed as "created specifically for women with curves" and is targeted toward sizes 12 and up.

"I think there's nothing wrong with being plus size. Beautiful healthy women. Plus size is considered size 16 in America. I go between a size 6 and an 8. @glamourmag put me in their plus size only issue without asking or letting me know and it doesn't feel right to me," Schumer wrote in an Instagram post on Tuesday morning. "Young girls seeing my body type thinking that is plus size? What are your thoughts? Mine are not cool glamour not glamourous."

The comedian actually has a mostly-positive history with Glamour when it comes to body image. Last year, Schumer spoke to the magazine about the topic, saying, "For women, we’re taught to eat less until we disappear. And trained to believe that if you don’t look like everyone else, then you’re unlovable."

And Glamour UK honored Schumer with a Trailblazer Award in 2015 at its Women of The Year event. At the time, Schumer made news for joking that, “I’m probably like 160 pounds right now and I can catch a dick wheneverI want, like, that’s the truth."

Schumer shot to fame in part for being outspoken, in her comedy and online, about the media's portrayal of female bodies — such as the unfounded notion that a size 6 is "plus size."

"Amy Schumer is a prime example of the fact that we need more inclusive body representation across the board — all sizes, all shapes," Kelsey Miller, Refinery29 Anti-Diet Project blogger and author of Big Girl, said in an email.

She added, "Both media creators and consumers don't know what do to with a size 6-8, so they call them plus sized. Right now, thin is the normative representation in media, which, of course, is not reflective of what's normative in reality. In reality, body diversity is normal. We just don't value it as such."

Glamour's editor-in-chief Cindi Leive responded via Twitter, saying, "We love Amy Schumer, & would never want to offend her. To be clear, @glamourmag special edition never called her plus-size."

Leive clarified that Schumer's story was included in the special issue because Glamour editors hoped it would be inspiring to readers size 12 and up, and added that Schumer's "longtime message of body positivity—& talking back to body haters—IS inspiring. (To me, too!)"

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Blake Lively Is A True Harry Potter Superfan

It's no secret that plenty of celebrities are obsessed with Harry Potter. Ariana Grande has a dog named Sirius Black, and John Green takes pride in being a Hufflepuff. Now, Blake Lively has proven that she, too, is a truly dedicated Harry Potter fan.

The actress posted an image of her Harry Potter manicure on Instagram Tuesday, complete with some carefully chosen emoji. Her nail art features the Sign of the Deathly Hallows, drawn in a light-pink shade of polish.

Lively took her fandom a step further, though, with the caption she paired with the image. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," she wrote, along with eight uses of the shoe emoji and a scroll emoji to represent the Marauder's Map. Check out her Deathly Hallows-inspired manicure, below.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. 👞👞 👞👞 📜 👞👞👞👞

A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on

This isn't the first time Lively has expressed her love of the Harry Potter franchise. When Alan Rickman passed away earlier this year, Lively posted a New Yorker cartoon on Instagram that was a tribute to Rickman's performances in both Harry Potter and Die Hard. She wrote in that image caption, "RIP Professor Snape. We will miss you."

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